Craigslist Proxy
Do you have difficulty when posting ads on Craigslist? This typically stems from one reason for this and so you probably will need a Craigslist proxy to help you post ads. Craigslist owns many sites for several countries around the world. You must live in the country you want to put an ad on, otherwise your ad will not go live. Craigslist utilizes this as a way to control spam. What could possibly be the reason people in other countries want to post ads on sites in countries outside of their own? People realize and understand that traffic from the USA is much more valuable than China and this is why. The work around for this problem is through the use of a proxy. Sadly, free proxies typically do not work. The reason they typically don’t work is because Craigslist knows about these kinds of proxies. All they need to do then is automatically remove any advertisements that come from these free proxies. Furthermore, free proxies are a bad idea because they are more often than not extremely slow. Since they are free many people are trying to use it all at the sametime. Too many people results in a slow proxy which causes all of your internet surfing to take much longer than it should. This is why it is recommended that if you wish to post your ads on Craigslist look at investing in a Craigslist proxy which only you can use.
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